announcing new partnership to expand global scholars in madrid
February 3, 2025. We are thrilled to announce the expansion of our partnership with public schools in Madrid, Spain. The expanded program will deliver the Global Scholars curriculum and program model throughout the Madrid school district to train more teachers, create additional classroom exchanges, and advance students’ global learning throughout the region.
Read more about how Madrid is embracing global learning for all their students in today’s eSchoolNews.
In response to requests from education leaders to make the Codebook for Global Student Learning Outcomes available to as many educators as possible, Global Cities has translated the English-language Codebook into four additional languages: Catalan, Kazakh, Russian, and Spanish. The languages reflect the robust participation of schools throughout these language regions in the Global Scholars virtual exchange program. All are available, as is the original English, for free download — with an accompanying video guide in each language.
Kazakhstan Models Alignment of National Curriculum to Global cities student Learning outcomes
Dr. Madina Tynybayeva, President of Kazakhstan’s National Academy of Education, spoke at the Global Cities: Decade of Impact convening in Washington, DC on July 23, 2024 to describe the Academy’s partnership with Global Cities, Inc., a program of Bloomberg Philanthropies, to ensure alignment of Kazakhstan’s national curriculum with measurable, research-backed standards for global learning outcomes.
The example of Kazakhstan shows how national curriculum designers can use Global Cities’ Codebook for Global Student Learning Outcomes to validate elements of global competency that are already being taught and identify opportunities to expand globally-connected instruction across a country.
Educator workshops offer free virtual training
Global Cities has created 90-minute, interactive, virtual workshops to allow educators around the world to explore the skills, knowledge, attitudes, behaviors that define 4 key elements of global competency. Individual workshops can help participants plan instruction or assessment, or align any course or curriculum to global standards, using the Codebook for Global Student Learning Outcomes.
Global Cities Brings Together Educators to Celebrate a Decade of Impact
136 educators. 42 cities. 18 countries. One shared goal.
For three days, teachers and education leaders from around the world came together in Washington, DC to celebrate the Global Cities Decade of Impact and their shared work to help young people engage in global learning and prepare them to solve our world’s biggest problems.
The participating educators represented a total of 528 teachers worldwide who lead Global Cities’ signature virtual exchange program, Global Scholars. Through the Global Scholars Program, more than 116,000 students from 117 cities in 39 countries have engaged with their peers around the world in e-classroom discussion boards. That’s more than 116,000 students who are solving global problems together while acquiring cultural understanding and an appreciation of different perspectives.
Hear from more Global Scholars educators here and Global Scholars student alumni here. Please click here to learn about upcoming workshops and other opportunities to help more students acquire the knowledge, skills, attitudes, and behaviors needed in an interconnected world.
Global cities Marks 10 Years of Impact
An early Global Scholars field trip — New York City, 2015
July 22, 2024 - Global Cities is hosting a multi-day convening of educators from around the world in Washington, D.C. to mark a decade of impact. Participants in its signature virtual exchange program Global Scholars, representing 42 cities from 18 countries on 6 continents, will hear from innovative leaders and gain valuable perspectives on education advancements. And they will share their leadership, experience, and insights with like-minded colleagues interested in teaching and learning global competency. Global Scholars colleagues will participate in hands-on workshops and learn how to make the most of the Codebook for Global Student Learning Outcomes as a tool for planning instruction and observing student growth.
‘We founded Global Cities, Inc. - and the Global Scholars virtual exchange program - because of our strongly-held belief that we must prepare students to solve global problems and become engaged citizens of an increasingly interconnected world,” said Marjorie Tiven, founder and president of Global Cities, Inc. “Together, we’ve reached more than 116,000 students from 117 cities in 39 countries over the last ten years, forging connections and fostering global competency and engagement.”
“As we reflect upon our shared efforts to strengthen global competence education over the past decade we will look ahead to our next chapter. These educators are playing such an important role in helping students develop global competency, which are skills that will last a lifetime,” Tiven said.
By convening leaders from around the world, Global Cities aims to build on a decade of success in shaping a generation of global citizens ready to tackle the big global problems the world faces, from climate change to food insecurity and beyond.
in the news: keeping students engaged in the age of ai
January 17, 2024 - Teaching strategies from the Global Scholars international virtual exchange program can keep students engaged and help teachers assess authentic learning, even in the age of ChatGPT. Our own education program manager Arielle Davis-Featherstone shows how, in this headline story from eSchoolNews: 5 ways to teach and assess learning in the age of AI
December 5-6, 2023 – Global Cities hosted two sessions of the public workshop: Globalize Your Classroom: Planning and Teaching with the Codebook for Global Student Learning Outcomes. Educators participated in a structured brainstorm to explore this comprehensive resource to identifying, nurturing, and measuring specific elements of global competency in their classrooms around the world.
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new findings show global learning gains
November 16, 2023 – Students can learn successfully in virtual exchanges with asynchronous and synchronous sessions, according to the latest research by Global Cities and AFS Intercultural Programs, Inc. through research funded by the Stevens Initiative.
Expert researchers reveal the findings in this AFS-sponsored panel, explaining two studies in which AFS student learning is assessed through virtual exchange programs. The findings show an important application of the landmark Codebook for Global Student Learning Outcomes to assess student learning gains. Learn more about Global Cities partnership with AFS, below.
new partnership with afs
August 8, 2023 – We are excited to announce a formal partnership with AFS Intercultural Programs, Inc. This new partnership will enable AFS and Global Cities to analyze the learning outcomes of students participating in AFS virtual exchange programs for teenagers, and explore the factors that contribute to their development of global competence using an innovative tool, the Codebook for Global Student Learning Outcomes. The research will evaluate the impact of virtual exchange programs guided by a global competence curriculum and establish the applicability and effectiveness of the Codebook for evaluating global virtual exchange programs.
teacher workshop with cfr-education
August 1, 2023 – Global Cities has been finetuning global competency education for a decade. This spring, we launched the Codebook for Global Student Learning Outcomes, making it easier for any K-12 teacher to observe, nurture, and measure global knowledge, global engagement, appreciation for diversity, and cultural understanding.
Our goal now is to extend the knowledge and practices that our Global Scholars teachers have built to new educators and classrooms. We are especially proud to partner with CFR-Education for this workshop as they present their innovative World101 resources for teaching the borderless global issue of migration.
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NEW REPORT: Codebook for global student learning outcomes
June 27, 2023 – Our newest report, the Codebook for Global Student Learning Outcomes, is a revolutionary tool that can help educators and researchers design, evaluate, and implement global competency curricula and programs.
2023-24 curriculum announcement: Nature and our cities
March 23, 2023 – Guided by classroom teachers and years of research on building global competency, students ages 10-13 will join international peers virtually to explore global and local ecosystems.
successfully educating tomorrow’s global citizens
April 27, 2022 – Something new and exciting is going on in classrooms around the world. See our new report for empirical evidence of what and how students are learning in Global Scholars discussion boards.
NEW webinar series FOR EDUCATORS
April 27, 2022 — Global Cities, Inc. is launching a series of webinars for educators interested in learning how to teach and observe global competency in any K-12 classroom. Sessions will focus on our four global learning outcomes. Attendees will learn strategies for teaching global competency in any K-12 classroom, apply a new tool for defining and observing global learning outcomes in student work and discuss ideas and connect with colleagues from cities around the world.
watch our webinar with transcend eduCation: successfully educating tomorrow’s global citizens
February 23, 2022 — Watch our webinar presentation, hosted by Transcend Education, about our program model and research findings about our global student learning outcomes.
December 2, 2021 — Watch a new video about evidence from survey research that shows kids can learn in digital classrooms. Our report, Far From Remote, presents an analysis of survey data from more than 8,500 students in 47 cities around the world.
el paÍs on digital classrooms
December 9, 2020 - A Global Scholars teacher and students in Spain, along with our founder Marjorie Tiven and education program manager Megan Wilhelm, talk to El País about the positive impact of peer-to-peer interaction and our global competency curriculum. "In well-conceived digital classrooms, school children can acquire essential knowledge and skills for their future, such as critical thinking, digital literacy, global engagement and team work.”
new report: far from remote
November 17, 2020 - Evidence from survey research shows what kids can learn in digital classrooms. See our new report, Far From Remote, with analysis of survey data from more than 8,500 students in 47 cities around the world.
July 13, 2020 - Our founder, Marjorie B. Tiven, shares timely lessons about online schooling on CNN Opinion, drawing from the Global Scholars international digital exchange program to empower students from all backgrounds to believe in themselves and their power to change their communities for the better.
press releases
June 27, 2023, Boston – Global Cities today released its newest report to guide evaluators and teachers interested in determining how well students are demonstrating global competency learning in any program or classroom. The new report, the Codebook for Global Student Learning Outcomes, assists teachers in understanding how students are learning and what aspects of their curricula are sparking student learning of global competency skills. Read More.