Global Cities, Inc., a Program of Bloomberg Philanthropies, is a nonprofit dedicated to connecting cities around the world. We develop global competence among the next generation through our Global Scholars international virtual exchange program, which in 2023-24 connected more than 11,000 students in 48 cities.

Do your students have an opportunity to communicate directly with their peers across the world? The Global Scholars program, operated by Global Cities, Inc., allows students 10 to 13 years old to do just that in e-classrooms. See what students and teachers have to say! 


Student Learning Outcomes

We have systematically identified nine key student learning outcomes for global education. Our landmark report presents an evaluation framework based on those outcomes and the innovative approach of global virtual exchange.


Decade Celebration

Global Cities and its virtual exchange program Global Scholars mark a Decade of Impact at a multi-day convening of educators from around the world in Washington, D.C.

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In the news

A lead story in eSchoolNews shares 5 strategies for assessing learning and keeping students engaged in the age of AI, with insights from our Global Scholars program.

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new findings

Researchers shared findings from two new studies assessing student learning through international virtual exchange. Hear the live panel, hosted by AFS Intercultural Programs!

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applied research

Our newest report helps teachers identify and nurture the key elements of global competency in every classroom.

Learn more here.


student enrollment